Not Hot Enough
Call me crazy, but I miss the Texas heat. Yes, my home state is in the midst of a terrible drought and heat wave. My uncle writes:
The next time you get those nostalgic yearnings for Texas, I want you to picture us now: hot, hot, mercilessly hot and dry, dry, mercilessly dry. The outside is like an oven and my heart bleeds for the poor postman. I rarely venture out-of-doors and few people are seen on the street. Everyone seems to be cowering inside with their air condititioners. I try to remember what Archie said, "If you don't like the weather, remember that it probably doesn't like you either", so I try not to complain.
Still, it just seems WRONG to be wearing a down vest over my pajamas when I take our puppy out on an August morning, and WRONG that I always have the urge to jump into the hot tub at our local pool (up here in Oregon) after swimming a lap or two and getting goose pimples. I'm taking about DURING THE SUMMER. (In fact, I DO get in the hot tub, and there are always plenty of other people in it, too. Can you imagine a hot tub at one of those groovy Austin municipal pools? Snort!)
Remarkable names of real people: Taco Proper, Boxy Hornburger
No, you do not want to be in Texas now. We are at 55 days of 100+ . I am now thinking 102 doesn't feel too bad, and it's 99 at 9 PM! The pool is only 92 degrees in the AM only time it feels cool.
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